Wednesday, June 19, 2024

4 year anniversary!

The freely available introductory book Thinking Critically About Abortion, by Kristina Grob and me, came out 4 years ago today!

It's usually unclear what kind of "impact" a book might have--especially a philosophy-ish book--but the book's webpage hit 350,000 views the other day: each day there are at least a few hundred views, sometimes thousands, and at least some percent of that is downloads from many sources. And there are 38 Amazon reviews, and 6 reviews of the Spanish version, 1 of the Italian and 0 of the French version.
This book has led me to meet many people all around the world, who are now my friends and has brought many other opportunities my way. And I know that it has helped some people think better about this, and other, controversial issues. And it's been a chance to model some what I hope is genuinely fair and balanced, moderation in many things, kinds of thinking and engagement.
While this book has not (yet) saved the world and solved all the problems, all and all this is NOT TOO SHABBY!
All available here:

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