Friday, November 29, 2024

Abortion and ethics quiz questions

My abortion and ethics quiz -- which I created at the suggestion of someone on TikTok -- has an opportunity to add questions. Below the fold are the questions that people have suggested. Since the list is very long, I asked ChatGPT to sum up the themes:

The list contains various philosophical and ethical questions regarding abortion, personhood, and reproductive rights. Here’s a concise summary based on the main themes:

Human Value and Personhood: 

  • Are humans more valuable than other animals, and what defines personhood?
  • What criteria grant personhood (e.g., consciousness, sentience)?

Moral and Ethical Considerations: 

  1. When does a fetus acquire moral status?
  2. Is there a moral distinction between abortion and infanticide?
  3. What makes a life valuable, and why is killing considered wrong?

Bodily Autonomy: 

  • Do individuals have the right to make decisions about their own bodies, particularly regarding pregnancy?
  • How do the rights of the pregnant person weigh against the rights of the fetus?

Legal and Social Implications: 

  • Should laws reflect a balance between the rights of the mother and those of the fetus?
  • What role does consent play in discussions about parenthood and abortion?

Religious and Cultural Perspectives: 

  • How do different religious beliefs influence views on abortion?
  • What impact does societal perception have on the legality and morality of abortion?

Practical Concerns:

  • Considerations regarding the responsibilities of parents towards their offspring.
  • Discussion on the implications of enforced abortion under various circumstances (interest of parents, health of the mother, etc.).

Controversial Scenarios: 

  • Questions proposing extreme or hypothetical scenarios, including parental rights, potential health risks, and moral dilemmas surrounding unwanted pregnancies.
  • These themes reflect deep-seated societal debates about the nature of life, individual rights, and the ethical ramifications of abortion.


The rough answers are below; sorry about the less than ideal formatting: