The list contains various philosophical and ethical questions regarding abortion, personhood, and reproductive rights. Here’s a concise summary based on the main themes:
Human Value and Personhood:
- Are humans more valuable than other animals, and what defines personhood?
- What criteria grant personhood (e.g., consciousness, sentience)?
Moral and Ethical Considerations:
- When does a fetus acquire moral status?
- Is there a moral distinction between abortion and infanticide?
- What makes a life valuable, and why is killing considered wrong?
Bodily Autonomy:
- Do individuals have the right to make decisions about their own bodies, particularly regarding pregnancy?
- How do the rights of the pregnant person weigh against the rights of the fetus?
Legal and Social Implications:
- Should laws reflect a balance between the rights of the mother and those of the fetus?
- What role does consent play in discussions about parenthood and abortion?
Religious and Cultural Perspectives:
- How do different religious beliefs influence views on abortion?
- What impact does societal perception have on the legality and morality of abortion?
Practical Concerns:
- Considerations regarding the responsibilities of parents towards their offspring.
- Discussion on the implications of enforced abortion under various circumstances (interest of parents, health of the mother, etc.).
Controversial Scenarios:
- Questions proposing extreme or hypothetical scenarios, including parental rights, potential health risks, and moral dilemmas surrounding unwanted pregnancies.
- These themes reflect deep-seated societal debates about the nature of life, individual rights, and the ethical ramifications of abortion.
- Are humans more valuable than other animals, if so why?
- ¿Are the capability of having interests (tastes, family, feelings, etc.) a point to consider in the debate?
- ¿How much does the interest of the subject on discussion would matter in the discussion? Understanding the subject as the body and not as the topic.
- Do people consider drunken sex to be consent to parenthood?
- If you believe the unborn have a right to life, then who should provide that right to life to all the unborn from IVF?
- I’d love to see questions that directly engage christian’s just because it’s the religious right in the US that are dominating the dialogue. Something like “Does the bible clearly teach that abortion is wrong” or “can the bible be interpret such that abortion is permissible” or.. anything along those lines. “can you still be a christian and be pro-choice” .. I know that that’s outside the scope maybe if this survey if you only want questions that can be grades as right or wrong, but I do think the answers could help inform how we can engage in this conversation better
- What is the difference between a zygote, embryo, and fetus?
- Are hands-on caregiving duties that an individual has come about by their self-determination, or are such duties determined by other people, or by natural occurrences?
- If the world had zombies (not flesh eating, just dead people who came back as a shell), what is the bare minimum that would be necessary for them to have human rights?
- Rewording some of these would be good. “The right to use someone else’s body to preserve or lengthen your own is a human right.” True / False
- At what point during pregnancy does a fetus come to have moral status?
- Can they afford the raising of a child. Are they to young. Are they healthy enough to be raising a child. Hopefully they haven't been abusing dugs while pregnant.
- What is a person? What is a human being?
- Messi o cristiano Ronaldo?
- ¿Es la educación sexual o la prohibición del aborto el problema radical?
- "What is an embryo and what a fetus?
- What’s the difference between an embryo and a fetus ?"
- Dejando de lado el concepto de vida que le compete a la biología y pasando al procedimiento de lo que implica el aborto ¿Las mujeres en estado de gestación tienen el derecho de la interrupción del embarazo como procediendo y por ende tienen el derecho a acceder a ese servicio?
- What knowledge about abortion do you have?
- What makes a biological entity to be valuable?
- The time when the abortion is done has something to do with the ethics of it?
- ¿Why is killing wrong?
- If you depend on someone else’s body to live, and you claim they have to provide you with their body then you are taking someone else’s autonomy right
- What give a person the right to tell others what to do with their bodies if their are thinking beings?
- At what point is it acceptable to impose something to someone? according to most people who study these issues.
- What facts should be reason enough to terminate pregnancy
- "What makes an human organism a person?
- ¿El derecho a la vida es más importante qué la autonomía?
- En el aborto es importante la diferencia entre derecho a la vida y derecho a la vida digna
- Nothing
- Is the concept of "human being" which is used in medicine, also used in ethical or bioethical?
- Abortion is a topic that should be discussed from a moral or scientific perspective or both?
- Quality of life that these "babies" would have
- doctors make a promise at the end of their career about “never be part of any sort of abortion” is it correct?
- El producto de la fecundación, ¿desde qué momento se le considera humano?
- ¿por qué está mal matar?
- If abortion has been practiced for millennia, do you consider that it is prohibiting it or does it really generate social change?
- Gg
- If you are against abortion, does that mean that you are a misogynist that wants to crush women's rights?
- Why is the new life guilty of other person's mistakes? (In case of non-violation abortion)
- Why can't women have rights to decide on their own bodies, while men can?
- Q: The following is accepted by most people who study these issues: Believing that any abortions, in any circumstances, are morally okay commits you, as a matter of logic, to believing that infanticide is also morally okay.
- When a fetus feels pain and gains consciousness
- True or false: One's own right to bodily autonomy can always be justifiably defended with lethal force, if necessary.
- Wether is appropriate or not to include men in the discussion
- "Personhood begins at viability, true or false?
- Personhood begins when sensations of pain begin, T/F?
- Personhood begins in the 3rd trimester, as is codified in Roe, T/F?
- Rape and incest make abortion acceptable because the woman did not choose to get pregnant, T/F?
- Deberían de llevar a las personas a cuiestonar la vida de forma Biológica, pero con conceptos que puedan comprender, de esa forma entenderán que los procesos biológicos que suceden en el aborto tienen un por qué y no solo un argumento objetivo que vaya en contra de sus pensamientos.
- Moral consideration in fetuses is permissible even knowing what their birth entails?
- Do you consider a fetus more important than being a pregnant woman?
- Why is abortion wrong? -Because God said so. -Because killing is wrong. -Because killing Human(s) (Beings) is wrong -Because you are killing something with a potential good future*
- Women are free.
- According to biology, what is the real meaning of the terms “fetuses” and “embryos”? Because most people who are against abortion tend to call them “babies” during that stage.
- Maybe on a separate quiz or blog post, you could go into the logic behind the pro-life view that there should be no exceptions to bans on abortion. It's very interesting that some (if not many) pro life people think that abortion should be illegal even when the mother's life/health is at risk. How does this not invalidate the entire argument, if it requires killing one life to save another?
- "Does a deed known to be the only deed capable of creating life get to be carried out by competent adults who then get to destroy the life they created under full knowledge of the inherent risks of engaging in that deed?
- Do adults get to create offspring to then destroy it as serves their convenience?
- Do babies young enough to still need their mother's womb have no rights to their future?
- Do parents have any implied contract to care for lives they procreate?
- If a couple created a life, should they have no obligation to it?
- If a chance of creating a life comes with doing a certain deed, should competent adults who expect full rights and freedoms of being competent adults also have the full set of responsibilities and accountability for consequences their competent selves understood well beforehand when their deed had risk of creating a life?
- Should competent adults get to terminate lives at other points in a human baby's life, as long as they perceive that the baby is not really a person yet?
- Should parents be able to terminate the life of their kids at any point before adulthood, on the basis that the viability of the child still falls to the parent's efforts?
- Should there not be at least the option for parents to exterminate their children up to age 12, because of the child not being able to support themselves in those early years of life?
- Should fathers legally get to insist that offspring be aborted if they would like to opt out of the parental obligation, else require the mother's acknowledgement of his forfeiture of responsibility?
- Should mothers have the full choice to terminate the offspring's life even if the father is wants the baby?
- Should fathers get to withdraw all support and obligation to a child for any reason, at any point in the pregnancy, even for a time after the birth?
- Should mothers get to withdraw all support and implied obligation to a child for any reason, at any point in the pregnancy, even for a time after the birth?
- Should competent adults have legal responsibility to follow through with any explicit or implicit contracts that apply under odds less than 100%?
- Should competent adults be bound to option contracts they signed?
- If sexual intercourse were to lead to pregnancy 100% of the time, would it be a sound practice to ongoingly create and destroy offspring for the pleasure of sexual intercourse?
- If all birth control forms were widely available in vending machines, convenience stores, and all retail centers, cheaply and without prescription, would you perceive that legal/political setting to be more empowering to couples than the way birth control is currently distributed in your area?
- If you had access to pills that induce miscarriage, cheaply and without prescription, available in all manner of retail facilities and vending machines, would you prefer this option compared with the invasive procedures requiring doctor involvement?
- Do you feel that your government has treated you like a competent adult, based on the availability of birth control options available to you without a prescription?
- Do you believe that laws are making birth control harder to get, because of birth control often having age and prescription requirements?
- Do you believe that a minor who has had intercourse should have access to ""morning after"" pills without her parents or doctors knowing about it?
- Do you think that minors and adults alike would have fewer dilemmas drawing them to consider abortion if they had the birth control options available widely and cheaply, without the governmental walls put up through restrictions?
- Do you think taking the life of your own offspring is perfectly fine, while simultaneously supporting the pressing of murder charges on one who assaults a mother's womb and causes the baby's life to end?
- Should a pregnant mother who is killed in a car accident be counted against the at-fault party as two counts of manslaughter, and should the counts remain at two if the court learns the mother had an abortion appointment scheduled?
- Should the state press charges for murder against an individual who kicked a pregnant woman in the abdominal area, resulting in her baby dying, if she admits she was going to abort the baby?
- If a father of an unborn baby is able to trick the mother into ingesting abortion pills, against her wishes, and the mother can prove later to the police that he did so, should the father be charged for murder?
- If a mother wants to keep her baby, but the father threatens to abandon her and all financial support in order to compel her cooperation to abort the baby, should she have grounds for some legal recourse against him?
- Should fathers have any legal recourse against mother's who abort their baby against the father's will?
- Should the preference of the mother be the basis whether a child lives or dies, up to an age the mother feels is the end of her domain to make life and death decisions over her offspring?
- Should exiting the vagina be a point when babies have legal protection from the mother's wishes, or should mothers continue to wait and see if they want to terminate that life, for an undetermined amount of time?
- Should mothers be the sole deciders of who lives and who dies, killing babies based on certain criteria, such as was done in Sparta to screen for temperament using wine baths to see baby's reaction to excruciating pain?
- Should mothers have a trial period with their babies to see if they cry too much or are undesirable in some other way, and should they have means to terminate the baby's life if they are not fully satisfied?
- Should mothers get to require their pregnant daughter, who is a minor, to abort their baby?
- Should fathers get to require their pregnant daughter, who is a minor, to abort their baby?
- Should a minor be allowed to legally insist on the right to have her own baby, in spite of her parent's wishes?
- Should a minor be able to sue parents who forced her to abort her baby?
- If a minor was forced to abort her baby against her wishes, by a parent, should she be able to press charges for murder?
- If a parent were to have say over their daughter's pregnancy, and be able to force her to abort the baby, would they be able to terminate the baby's life if it cried too much under their roof, or if it was otherwise a hassle that they no longer wanted to deal with?
- If a parent of a pregnant daughter wanted her to keep her baby, but the daughter wanted to abort the baby, should the parents have any authority to prevent the abortion?
- Should the parents of the father have any day over whether a pregnant minor does or does not have an abortion?
- Is rape equally illegal, whether done by a stranger or done by a familiar family member?
- Should rape that is committed among friends and family be less severe in the eyes of the law than rape committed by a stranger?
- Should the killing of a one-year-old baby be less severe, in the eyes of the law, if the mother does it, than if someone else does it?
- If a father kills his one-year-old child, should that be as severe as stranger killing that child, under the law?
- Should the father be legally entitled to the remains of the aborted offspring for the purposes of memorial burial and bereavement?
- Should the parents of the minor daughter who went through with an abortion have any legal right to the body of the aborted offspring, for burial and memorial grieving?
- Should the father be legally obligated to fund an abortion that he is opposed to?
- Should the father get to opt out of responsibility if the offspring has Downs syndrome and the mother has declined the abortion option?
- Should the father get to insist that an abortion not happen, if the offspring has Downs syndrome and the mother wants an abortion?
- Does equality of rights require that both the father and mother be able to opt out, if either are able to opt out, of obligation to raising their child?
- Does equality of rights for biological males and females matter to you?
- Do you ever find yourself advocating for equality of rights between men and women, but then objecting to certain changes that would remove double standards?
- Should fathers be obligated to fund a child's life if the mother wants to keep the child, even if the father wants to escape that responsibility?
- Should the mother be allowed to terminate the offspring's life, regardless of the father's wishes to keep the baby, provide for it and father it?
- Should the mother be able to force the father to pay for a child to be raised, even if he wants to opt out, and should a different father who desperately wants to keep the baby simultaneously be denied any say in preventing an abortion?
- Is it equality of rights if the father cannot opt out of responsibility while the mother can?
- Should abortion against the husband's wishes be considered a breaking of marital contact?
- Should marriage contracts be fully customizable for couples to outline expectations beforehand?
- Should a father suspect he's being cheated on if the mother has an abortion against his wishes?
- If a woman learns she is pregnant with a partner outside of her committed relationship, and she wants to cover up the affair, should she have full rights to get the abortion, without the husband's consent?
- Should marriage be a contract that has mutual benefits and assurances for both parties to count on certain handling of these matters?
- Would you report a person for pulling limbs off of baby kittens while they were screaming?
- Would you use a weapon on an adult who was pulling limbs off of a newborn baby?
- Would you justify ending the life of a random person who was about to use tools to rip apart a baby born prematurely?
- Would you feel that a person who was about to rip apart a baby was doing a responsible and levelheaded thing?
- If you could clearly see into the womb while an abortion is taking place, would you feel negative emotions while watching the process?
- Would you imagine that a woman growing old and never having had children would wonder what her life would be like if she hadn't had her abortions?
- When people age, is it the ones who stayed childless who have the greatest pride and joy over their lives?
- Do aging parents see the abortions of their children as a beneficial convenience so they don't have to be burdened with grandchildren?
- If abortion isn't homicide when the mother does it, should all abuse be dismissed as her parenting style?
- If a mother's preference is sufficient to terminate the life of her offspring, should she be given a pass for terminating the offspring of other mothers?
- If a daughter is pregnant and has the baby at her mother's home, should the mother have the right to drown that baby if she thinks it's best?
- Should a mother be allowed to kill babies of other mothers if she thinks the other mother isn't a good mother with enough money or other favorable conditions?
- Should a mother who is sick of her daughter's baby be allowed to poison the baby if she wants peace and quiet?
- If a mother thinks that someone in her neighborhood would be a bad mother, should she use tricks to abort that woman's baby?
- If low income is a basis for one to be justified in killing their own baby, is low income a basis for one to justify killing a poor mother's baby against her wishes?
- If children dissatisfy a mother, can she sell them to traffickers, since their lives are hers to do whatever she wants with?
- What criteria grants personhood? Consciousness? Sentience? Membership to a rational kind? The natural/current capacity for a specific trait? What is the best argument for/against abortion and how would you refute it?
- alguna leí a logrado desaparecer el aborto de un pais?
- the last word about abortion is up to woman or people who can be pregnant, if thats so, why we still continue to put this topic up for discution and making law and other statments about it
- Abortion should only be legal if, the pregnancy risks the life of the person who is pregnant?
- Abortion should only be legal if, the pregnancy risks the life of the person who is pregnant?
- Abortion should only be legal if, the pregnancy risks the life of the person who is pregnant?
- ¿Estarías de acuerdo con la legalización del Aborto en tu país?
- ¿Estás de acuerdo que legalicen el aborto en tu país?
- Does everyone have body autonomy? The right to not be forced to do anything with their body that could be harmful or fatal to them?
- the right to free development of the person is above the life of a fetus?
- Is therapeutic abortion morally and ethically admissible?
- Define the cases in which late-term abortion is morally correct.
- I don't know:(
- Does a parent have the responsibility to nurture and take care of their child?
- nose ingles sorry
- Echen lifte start? When a biological organism si a person?
- Who decides what "authority" may decide these questions?
- Por qué está mal matar?
- Consideration of what constitutes personhood
- If a fetus is a "human" then the pregnant person must receive child support and government support from the moment of conception.
- Do fetuses in early abortions suffer?
- the real right of someone is above the potential right of another?
- the real right of someone is above the potential right of another?
- What about the pregnant woman’s right to life
- Is healthcare a human right? What are the characteristics of life? What is a body part?
- why is killing wrong?
- Do parents have unique obligations to their children that other adults do not?
- What is considered life and human life?
- When do you become a person?
- Could be about the morality of beings existence
- Do they know when life begins? Do they know about the issues of personhood and bodily autonomy?
- When is a foetus sentient or conscious
- Is the embryo or fetus metaphysically speaking a person or a possible person?
- Tener derecho a la vida es lo mismo que tener derecho al cuerpo de una persona?
- This is obviously the most slanted 'quiz' ever. I am certain of getting nearly all of the questions 'wrong'.
- I don’t know!
- Why is it wrong to kill or what gives value to a life
- Explain what inherent rights are
- personhood
- under what circumstances is a person forced to carry the fetus and under what risks?
- Do legal definitions regarding the ending of a human life matter? Eg calling abortion murder implies the punishments we reserve for murders as consequence.
- What percentage of abortions are performed at what stage of pregnancy? Is implantation a moment or is it extended over time? Before what week of development do most experts think a fetus cannot feel pain? What is the ratio of induced vs spontaneous abortions?
- In what circumstances can a person lose bodily autonomy?
- What is it wrong about killing/ending life?
- Unbiased, non-leading questions
- why does location matter?
- The Violinist Argument.
- The Violinist Argument.
- Is abortion the ending of a unique, whole human being's life, or simply the ending of a potential person?
- Developmentally and biologically speaking, is there any difference, beyond location, between a premature birth at 21 weeks (earliest surviving premature birth to date) and a fetus scheduled for non-medically necessary abortion at the same gestational age? (for context, polling data has shown that roughly half of all 21-week-or-later abortions are performed because the woman didn’t know she was pregnant or something dramatic changed in her life, such as breaking up with her partner or losing her job - i.e. non-life-threatening reasons)
- Does the stage of fetal development matter in assessing the morality or legality of abortion?
- This is really cool! I’m 100% pro-choice, in the style of Peter Singer, so hopefully my answers to some of these questions (which might sound pro-forced birth-y) don’t make you think I’m a forced birther!
- If something has a heart beat, is it alive? Human babies have a heartbeat at 4 weeks old, yet in the UK, anyone can have a abortion up to 24 weeks.
- percent of how many abortions below or above 1st, 2nd & third trimester
- Are human malignant tumor cells humans?
- If you are against abortion are there any exceptions you would allow. If so what are they and why?
- How would you define the difference between infanticide and abortion?
- "Is the following argument valid?
- P1: It's typically wrong to intentionally kill human organisms.
- P2: Abortion intentionally kills a human organism.
- C: Therefore, it's typically wrong to have an abortion. "
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