Wednesday, January 15, 2025

ChatGPT explains why common anti-abortion arguments and soundbites are mistaken

Anti-abortion advocates often are willfully resistant to learning about abortion and ethics: they often reject distinctions that are widely known among people who have studied the issues, and enthusiastically accept demonstrably bad arguments. 

Yet, when this is pointed out and explained, they don't accept this and revise their views, believe it or not!

With that in mind, I asked ChatGPT some questions on matters where these types of errors are common. ChatGPT agrees that common responses from anti-abortion advocates are mistaken! 

How might anti-abortion advocates respond to ChatGPT? Will they see it as being duped by a liberal (or is it conservative?) conspiracy in giving these types of responses? Or will they recognize that ChatGPT has a more "fair and balanced" understanding than they do, and rethink their views? 

We might see! Click below for questions and ChatGPT's responses:

  1. ChatGPT: Must everyone agree that a human embryo is a "human being," or else they are irrational?
  2. Chat GPT: Must everyone agree that a human embryo is a person, or else they are irrational?
  3. ChatGPT: Must everyone agree that an embryo or beginning fetus is a "baby" or a "child" or else they are irrational?
  4. ChatGPT: Mammal's bodies start at conception or soon after conception. So human mammal's bodies start at conception or soon after. Does that suggest that abortion is wrong?
  5. ChatGPT: If someone consents to having sex, knowing that pregnancy is a possible outcome, does that mean that they consent to that pregnancy?
  6. Chat GPT: Is an embryo comparable to a sleeping person, in that since it's wrong to kill a sleeping person, is it also wrong to kill an embryo?

What are other questions that should be asked of ChatGPT?

Note: if someone responds, "Whatabout pro-choice people's misunderstandings???" yes, that indeed is a problem too, but this response is likely an attempt to deflect from the more pressing issue, which is misinformed people promoting unjust laws prohibiting and criminalizing early abortions: laws that criminalize morally permissible behaviors are unjust

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